After 9 years plus service the peco points and motors have been giving me proplems on and off for the last 2 years...So I decided it was time for a change, hence MPD No.2 I made Two base boards 4' x 2' made of 9mm ply.
I will have to clear all the tools and stuff pretty soon as I will have to turn the board to do some wiring. The track is SMP SCALEWAY glued down with pva and held in place with heavy weights until dry.
I am making my own pointwork and here is my first Right handed 3 way tested with various loco's ranging from a 0-4-0 Sentinel to the big boys and all went well.
This is a 36" radius point but I have extended by 3" to make it appear not too sharp.
Nice, always good to have a new goal