Saturday, 24 November 2012

Bachmann Wainwright C Class

The loco arrived at my local Model Railway shop yesterday
it is now chipped, capacitors removed and extras added. The Model is Superb, smooth silent and the cab detail is excellent. separate smoke box dart (not molded) . The brake gear is testing to say the least to fit, I must admit to snapping off a couple of pins but once fitted I foresee no reason to remove so a tiny spot of trusty superglue will keep it in place. The chip is easy to fit in the tender and there is provisions for a speaker...


  1. That some highly detailed loco nice one, now what about a rake of coaching stock?

  2. I was thinking that myself...The loco s preserved and I will have to doo som e resurch sorry Ive beeout to see Empress Rock Band and get pishhed ..Liba drove home I had to rewese uop the dibre...Teh leead singher is lindsa douaghter...

  3. alan pissed linda writing what he was trying to say the loco is preserved he will have to do some research. we have been to see my daughter in her band they are called empress i drove home but alan reversed it into the drive.

  4. Thanks Linda for the translation I did get to understand his drunken rambling we used to speak like that a lot in Germany.
