Well I have started on the Head gear after studying the A4 pages of
instructions , And it aint for the faint hearted...So off I go.
I started with the wheels.
The next step for me is the legs. As I do not have a folding machine but do have about 7 x steel rulers and a vice I managed
After a few days parts start to come together.....But not exactly "
Just Like That"
Another view just to see how it looks on the layout.....
Another view...
Now it's all made I gave it a good wire brushing then a soak in Caustic
Soda overnight. Then when it was dry I gave it a coat of Red oxide
I decided on Royal Blue as the colour for the Headgear , and I must say I think it looks quite striking (no pun intended)
Now I decided it's time to make the supporting builings...
These are only positoned for taking photo's
Over the Festive season I managed to get a couple of hours here and there to escape to my 'Man Cave'
I got four of these coal tubs from Gaugemaster, They are HO...I think they look the bussiness?
I opted not to buy narrow gauge track to cover it up, so I went for plastic sheet scored...
Then using a very old engineers dividers I scored out tracks to give the illusion of points...
Now is the time to fit the wheels and I decided to make them Red after
seeing a couple of Pits with Red wheels on line. Red, White and Blue...
I really wanted flood lights on the top of the headgear. And after pondering I came up with a idea.
The main structures have to be removable and made to locate in the same
place everytime. Lights must be able to be plugged in for easy removal
and connecting structures must wherever connect together ie: the
conveyor to the screens.
and the result...
Oh yes I did say "The Pit has a name...What do you think?
Now it's time for the Pit Head Baths
Scratch built after looking at various pictures and I came up with my own idea...Using the windows and doors I had in my boxes..
I like to think it capures the look.
The white stuff in the windows is 'Glue and Glase' I find it brilliant, as specially when you want some missing panes of glass..
A little touching up to be done, But I am quite pleased so far.. Learning all the time....
Work in progress, A long way to go...
A view of my 'Man Cave' and work in progress...
Model Railways are alway's Work in Progress as they are never finished.............