Wednesday, 18 June 2014

J94 No.20

Well there I was with 19 J94's and one on order, I thought 'That's enough'...Then I went to Elsecar  Toy and Train Fair and out in under 5 minutes with J94 No.20...for a little under £34

After totally stripping it down to just bits I cleaned and lubed and decided to do anothen Lambton Cab....
          Below is how it is coming along...

 Getting there me thinks...

 Here pictured with my first attempt...I'm pleased and at the end of the day that's what really counts..

 And below is what I bought today from my local Model Railway Emporium (Going Loco, Wakefield)  I just had to show it off. With Sound...
 Both Linda and myself decided it was a must have...

That's it for now.....(I really must get that tender close coupled)